
Showing posts from December, 2017


As the months go by, my excitement is slowly diminishing and my feelings of nervousness has increased tremendously. There are so may loose ends to tie up before I leave. It is truly starting to become overwhelming. Between moving, obtaining funds to pay for the move, working and making sure that the dogs have everything that they need in order to fly; my life is a wreck! :( As I stated before, this process is very expensive and it is not easy. Guys if you haven't listened to nothing else I've said in the past pppppppppppppplease listen to me now when I sure to explore ALL options before taking the leap of going to medial school out of the country. The only thing that's keeping me excited/sane is my future classmates. Corresponding with them daily through telegram has been not only beneficial information wise (a couple of upper classman are in the group) but also a lot of fun. :) Well let me logoff with my negative ass (LOLOL). Talk to you soon! Kay R.


Based on what I've spent over the last couple of months to prepare for school in Christmas was canceled LOLOL! Merry Christmas to those that celebrated! LOLOL! Kay R.