Outside the Sandals Resort in Dickerson Bay Well lololol! I must say that life on the Island of Antigua is a lot different than I thought it would be. Not only is it ridiculously expensive... it is not as hot as I thought it would be. From what I hear form the locals and other students is that this is Antigua's winter season so even though its 80 degrees outside it is less humid than the summer months. Anywho...well I am all moved in and I have 95% of my life back in the states situated. I wish that I could have completed certain things prior to leaving such as my tax stuff and car insurance but oh well...So I thought that the best way to provide you guys with an brief overview of my life on the island is to touch on each topic separately instead of typing a long ass page of info so here goes: Apartment: My view from my living room balcony My view from my bedroom balcony I requested to live off campus because I brought my little doggies with me. My a...
Well guys...I have arrived!!! :) I flew in on Saturday, January 27th around 3:00pm. I can remember as we were making our decent into Antigua, I noticed how blue the water was and how peaceful the island looked from high up in the sky... it looked like a little piece of paradise. :) After I get settled in I will post a little more about the island and take a couple of flicks for you guys. If you have any questions, please email me or drop a post below! Outside of my Apartment
Let me start by saying that this process must be started at least 4 months in advance. This importation process has been the most drawn out, stressful process ever! When I say that it is too much to type LOLOL! I mean it is too much to type. LOLOL! From obtaining varies preventative shots, rabies titers, Lyme and Ehrlichia titers, health certificates (plus USDA certification), medication, the cost of flights, flight carrying cases for the pups, this has been very expensive and stressful!! This process has put a $3K dent in my pocket. After 3 months, I finally received my Import License for my dogs a week ago (thank God)! Again start this process early if you can. If you need more info please send me a message or ask below. I also have posted a link for Antigua import requirements for live animals. These requirements could change so make sure that you contact them directly before starting this process (That is not a current email on the form and I believe that the fax machine is out ...
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